Author: John Finney

Learning the Hard Way: Tournament Carp Fishing in Colorado

Dusk at the Carp Tournament, Chatfield Reservoir

These past few years, the latest challenge I embarked upon, was the local tournament carp fishing scene. With thousands of hours fishing under my belt, dozens and dozens of of trophy carp banked, I was confident my success would translate into a tournament setting. How wrong this turned out to be! In 2015 a local …

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Weighing In

Rueben Heaton Scale

In the late 70s, when I first fished for carp, the most common method of weighing my captures was with a plastic bag and bar spring scale. These scales are still sold in huge numbers for anglers. Their popularity being due to a very low cost and widespread availability. Their disadvantage would be accuracy. The …

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Affordable Carping: NGT Carp Care products

NGT Carp Cradle 304.

When I returned to the sport of carp fishing I knew nothing of the modern accepted standards of carp care. Back when I first started fishing, in the late 70s, early 80s, weigh and retainer slings, cradles and mats, dedicated nets for carp, medicated kits to treat wounds and sores, simply did not exist. The …

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Affordable Carping: NGT Bite Alarms


Often when I am out fishing other anglers will come over to see what I am fishing for. Their interest is typically drawn to the “euro” style carping setup I am using. Many anglers here in North America have never seen a rod pod before, or an electronic bite indicator and the only people using 12 …

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