PVA friendly the CC Moore Glycerine way!


Winter time leaves the carp angler dreaming of spring and with so many winter days to go through until it begins to warm up the internet can be a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips.  I was reading the CC Moore bait blog and read an article on CC Moore Glycerine and some of its uses. Right away I knew this would apply to most all of the anglers out there reading this. We have all heard about adding salt to any particles to make them pva friendly but certain baits we really don’t want to add salt content or even make them salty in any way shape or form. Glycerine allows the baits or particles to keep the same color,smell and taste all while making them pva friendly and with a few steps you can also create a high leakage mix using pva bags.

Part 1 video found below!


The first step in this article I tool some CC Moore Hi-Viz Tigers the Tutti Frutti Tigers to be exact which can be found here.    I took a small sized Korda Krusha to break them down into various sizes from small to large to give the best presentation on the bottom of the lake as the pva broke down. It is best when using particles to create as natural of a presentation as you can so having various shapes and sizes can fool even the weariest of fish.


The next step is quite simple as all you have to do is add in the CC Moore Glycerine which is found here.  You do not need a whole lot but make sure that it is mixed very well on both the particles and the liquid.  I also spoon in some extra liquid to use in pva bags. I feel adding liquids to bags give the bait a lot of extra appeal as it can draw fish from a farther range than just the bait alone. After you mix in the glycerine you will want to let it rest for around 5 minutes to make sure it absorbs a little and is fully mixed.


After letting the mix rest and making a pva bag up I did a tank test to see how the break time was and also how much area the liquid covered on the bottom. Before I finished the bag I added in a few spoonfuls of extra liquid to make sure my bag had maximum attraction and of course draw the fish in faster.




In the final picture above you can see just how much the flavor leaked over a few minute period and of course this is in a fish tank so keep in mind a lake that has constant moving water will draw fish in from a far distance very quick.


Now that we covered pva bags lets talk about pva mesh. The only drawback I can see is you can not add extra liquid obviously to the mesh as it would just leak out before you even cast. You will see in  the video above how a very tight pva mesh bag will pop as it breaks down in the water. Also another tip if you want your breakdown time to be even slower yet just dunk the made up pva bag or mesh bag into the glycerine/tiger mix and it will prolong the breakdown even more.


The above picture you can see the pva bag on the left broken down and the flavors leaking everywhere. The mesh bag on the right was just dropped into the water. The picture below shows the broken down mesh bag and how it is extremely difficult to pick out the hook bait.


Part 2 of this section I wanted to mainly focus on particles in glycerine with no extra liquids. I found I got a much better explosion when the pva melted which you can see in the video below.



The above is the CC Moore Particles in Talin and I added in glycerine to produce the pva friendly mix. I used a pva mesh stick for this part as I wanted to focus primarily on the explosion comparision from a mix with more liquid compared to just a pva friendly particle mix.


After dropping the mesh stick into the tank the break down was quicker due to the mesh and left a nice presentation on the bottom that any carp would find irresistible . I used the same rig before which had a Hi-Viz Tutti Frutti Tiger on it just to grab a photo of how the bait was presented after the break down.



After recording this and rewatching it a few times I came to the conclusion that this was an insanely easy mix to use every time out on the bank with little to no prep time and creates a deadly tactic worth trying. As winter drags on expect a lot more videos to come.. Brian Wingard

Products used in this video and links

CC Moore Glycerine

CC Moore Hi-Viz Tigers “Tutti Frutti”

CC Moore Particles in Talin COMING SOON to BCT!

Korda Krusha small size

Korda Solidz pva bags

Korda Funnel Web boilie size

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