In this insightful piece, Marc Cavaciuti, a key member of Team Korda, delves into the Carp Spring Strategies he employs during the spring season and sheds light on why they prove highly effective as carp begin to stir.
Be Ready with these Carp Spring Strategies
Spring marks a crucial phase in the pursuit of big carp, demanding meticulous preparation for optimal results.
By now, your chosen spring waters should be identified—a critical opportunity that shouldn’t be left to the last minute. It’s imperative to be present when the fish truly wake up, rather than waiting at home for venue updates. Be the one igniting the spark, not the individual left dampening the embers.
Familiarity with your campaign water enables effective preparation. Last year, the 15lb Touchdown stood out for me—sinking well, nearly invisible in its submerged green color, robust, and a dream to cast. This versatility allowed me to adapt swiftly based on swim availability and, more importantly, the fish’s location—essential elements in circuit water angling.
As mentioned earlier, the ability to respond promptly to what you observe or don’t observe is paramount. My kit is downsized significantly, with spare leads and food left in the van until I’m convinced I’m on fish. On busy circuit waters, being back on the barrow and moving faster down the path than the competition is vital.

Shallow Waters
As daylight hours extend, shallow areas become pivotal, especially if they receive the sun’s first rays. Cold-blooded creatures seek warmth, enhancing their eyesight, senses, and metabolism. These areas are remembered by the carp, as it’s their neighborhood. Shallow regions receive much of my attention, allowing me to react to visual signs of activity.
Zig Rigs
In spring, shallower water warms quicker than deep, dark water. Zig rigs are crucial for several reasons:
1. They enable fishing in the water column where the fish are, avoiding the futility of presenting baits too far below or above them.
2. As their senses awaken from the winter cold, fish are more likely to accept a piece of Goo’d up foam in their hazy vision.
3. Zig rigs facilitate swift responses to showing fish without worrying about presentation issues in leftover winter debris or new weed growth.

Fishing with singles or employing minimal baiting has proven successful in landing big fish. With their senses slowly recharging, exploiting their adapting eyesight and heightened sense of smell/taste is crucial. They aren’t after large quantities of food at this stage.

Excluding zigs, I use only two rigs in spring, both featuring pop-ups. Employing the Heli-Safe and Naked Chod system allows me to switch between the two presentations quickly without the need for leadcore or tubing.
My preferred rigs are Naked Chods for depths over three feet, ensuring presentation, stealth, and consistency with big fish. The second rig is an adapted spinner rig for depths under three feet, suitable for fishing close to snags and/or up island shelves, with an adjusted top bead for a softer drop.

In summary, prioritize mobility and reactivity. Opt for bright, enticing singles—be it Goo’d up zigs or pop-ups presented in areas where the fish want to be. Being right in front of them is undoubtedly the key in spring.