The method feeder rig has been around for a very long time, and it is still one of the best ways of catching a lot of carp. Although I have used this tactic extensively since the early the 2000s, in recent years I had gotten out of the habit except when fishing with a feeder rod for smaller fish. However, when events transpired to take me to the 2024 Mill Creek Cup it became time to use feeders again, although I did not plan on it at first.
Initially, I planned to fish my standard “big fish” lead clip set up with small PVA sticks. I’ve caught my biggest fish over the last several years with this rig. However, I soon found that the method (being used by my team mate, Colin Peters) had a couple of major advantages. The speed of not having to make PVA sticks allowed for very frequent recasts with minimal downtime, and equally important, the amount of bait that could be put out on every cast was also increased. Lastly, the amount of PVA that I would have needed would have been extremely expensive!
Tying this rig is very simple and requires nothing that can’t be acquired from Big Carp Tackle. This is how you do it step by step:
Only simple components are needed for the method feeder rig.
Put the aligner onto the baiting needle thin end first.
Step 3:
Again, put the anti tangle sleeve on the hooklink thin end first as shown.
Step 4:
Tie a small figure 8 loop knot in the end of the hooklink.
Step 5:
Slide the aligner up over the eye of the Mugga as shown.
Step 6:
Slide on the hook swivel and hook bead until the bead is about even with the barb.
Step 7:
For the MCC I used a piece of plastic corn and a 14mm wafter. This bait combo has worked really well for me on method feeder rigs in many different waters.
Step 8:
Slide both the baits onto a piece of monofilament and tie a few overhand knots to form a bait stop.
Step 9:
Clip the hooklink onto the swivel and attached it to the end of the main line that runs through the method feeder. The finished method feeder rig should look like this.
A nice brace of carp that fell to the method rig during the MCC
Results! Colin and I won The American Carp Society 2024 Mill Creek Cup with simple method feeder rigs!